Express Fight Club
Performance with 30 anonymous performers
14.09.2010, 19:30 – 21:30, Studio 1, Art Academy
A Media-Guided Theater-Choreography “Express Fight Club” is a performance on the question how and by what identity is generated. The novel and movie “Fight Club” (by Chuck Palahniuk / David Fincher) are not important for the project - the sources’ idea of forming a subversive group is. The project debates the relationship between work and spare time and how they facilitate the construction of identity. The performance set-up allows a switch of roles. Underlying theme is the urge to find alternatives to the every-day life in the consumer society – as in the source material “Fight Club”. Funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin.
14.09.2010, 19:30 – 21:30, Studio 1, Art Academy
A Media-Guided Theater-Choreography “Express Fight Club” is a performance on the question how and by what identity is generated. The novel and movie “Fight Club” (by Chuck Palahniuk / David Fincher) are not important for the project - the sources’ idea of forming a subversive group is. The project debates the relationship between work and spare time and how they facilitate the construction of identity. The performance set-up allows a switch of roles. Underlying theme is the urge to find alternatives to the every-day life in the consumer society – as in the source material “Fight Club”. Funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin.