16.09.2010, 21:00-21:30, Akademia Gallery
“The co-evolution of humans and machines has been the underlying subject of my work for several years. I am interested in how humans create at an increasingly rapid rate tools and prosthesis of exponential complexity, and how these tools in turn affect the human experience. I make machines for performances and exhibitions that comment in a humorous fashion on our relation to machines. I aim to bring the audience to question human dependence on ultra-complex technologies and suggest a more empowered attitude towards these technologies as well as a re-valued approach to the capabilities of the human body and mind.”
Paul Granjon, 2009
Lo-Tech songs with Servo-Drive is constructed around the presentation and demonstration of several machines selected from the artist’s production. The selection includes Mofo the humanoid robot as well as a set of robotics ears and tail, and other machines. The presentation of the machines is often accompanied by a song with music generated by self-made instruments. The performance is underlined by an illustrated comment about recent developments in robotic science and entertainment.