Ivana Stojakovic (Serbia) 3 x 3, 6:00
Film & video programme „Performance“
15/09/2010, Wednesday, 17:00 - 18:00, Studio 7, Art Academy
In the rhythm of the body and sound are combined all the possibilities of embodying and expressing invisible power, all the strivings and aspirations of the mind, as well as the veiling and protection of these. Responding and attempting to encompass the phenomenal world outside, man by dancing is at same time put in touch with his own inner being, for just as creation hides the creator, the physical form of man conceals the spiritual being.
Ivana Stojakovic (1976) is a visual artist based in Belgrade (Serbia) and Bandung (Indonesia). She graduated at Faculty for Fine Arts in Belgrade, and is currently working on her Magister thesis at the same Faculty. For a three years she have been studied Indonesian theatre and art at STSI – University of Art in Bandung(Indonesia). She is in the status of a free lance artist and Member of ULUS - Fine Arts Association of Serbia, section of mixed media. She realized 12 solo exhibitions and projects and took part in more than 50 group exhibitions and festivals in Europe and Indonesia.
15/09/2010, Wednesday, 17:00 - 18:00, Studio 7, Art Academy
In the rhythm of the body and sound are combined all the possibilities of embodying and expressing invisible power, all the strivings and aspirations of the mind, as well as the veiling and protection of these. Responding and attempting to encompass the phenomenal world outside, man by dancing is at same time put in touch with his own inner being, for just as creation hides the creator, the physical form of man conceals the spiritual being.
Ivana Stojakovic (1976) is a visual artist based in Belgrade (Serbia) and Bandung (Indonesia). She graduated at Faculty for Fine Arts in Belgrade, and is currently working on her Magister thesis at the same Faculty. For a three years she have been studied Indonesian theatre and art at STSI – University of Art in Bandung(Indonesia). She is in the status of a free lance artist and Member of ULUS - Fine Arts Association of Serbia, section of mixed media. She realized 12 solo exhibitions and projects and took part in more than 50 group exhibitions and festivals in Europe and Indonesia.