Two screen video projection loop transferred from 16mm, 12min., 2007
13-17.09.2010, 11:00-20:00, Akademia Gallery
Six Apartments is a poetic document of decline and deterioration - both physical and ideal, hypnotic and melancholic. Six isolated residents of six different apartments live their lives unaware of each other. They eat their food, wander between rooms, bathe, watch television, and sleep. For them, this is life. Yet while it may appear that nothing is happening here, the apartment building and its inhabitants' bodies are aging, giving way to bacteria, larva, and finally transformation. Televisions and radios tell them about the destruction of the whole planet but it does not seem to affect their lives. Everything is in a state of resolute conversion. Immense drama does exist: chaos overcomes order and rot supersedes life. The residents’ lives are moving slowly towards death following the deliberate, methodical rhythms of their uniform days. This continuous erosion of bodies, buildings, and the planet, reveals the ever-active potential of death and its material processes. In their passivity and isolation, the inhabitants emerge as the true form of death, while the rooms they inhabit maintain the ongoing transformation of life. The potential of life, then, exists only in the process of death. Eventually all forms of life are consumed by new life.